Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


            In this story I will tell you a crime that often occur in people who are confused.

            I never heard of a crime that bermoduskan Islamic religion and claim to be able to change someone's life better than before or even could erase all the sins of that person by paying the cost of cleansing of sin.

            This sounds strange to me because they could remove one's sins and guarantee a person enter heaven, but I think all of that only god knows.

           Call it the religion of Islam XXX they recruit people who may be their lack of faith so that they can still be fooled and fooled by this XXX Islamic religious circles. By giving some money to XXX faiths and people who provide the money would be erased his sins and the guarantee into heaven by religious XXX.

           After they successfully recruit these people, then those people lost memories made ​​by religious circles for XXX that they forget everything and do not know where to go. This membuatsemua people become worried about their safety and their families.

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